The best success is coming from nonprofits that are taking action. And truth be told – it doesn’t have to be monumental action, either. But action, nonetheless, is imperative at this time. The other critical piece for your nonprofit’s success is consistency.
Seems simple, right? Wrong!
I have had far too many conversations that start off by the nonprofit leader telling me that they have decided to hit the pause button through this pandemic. And in my opinion, that is the worst thing you can do.
We’ve all heard the saying, “out of sight, out of mind”, well this is true during this time too. For more than two months now, everyone across the nation has been navigating these choppy waters. Whether your nonprofit is considered a frontline organization or not, the pandemic has changed our entire nonprofit environment.
But I have been saying all along that our sector was due for a shakeup. “This is how we’ve always done things” has been the motto of many nonprofit leaders and board members for far too long. By default, everyone in our sector is looking at reimagining their programs, their outreach and simply put…the way they have done things.
Truth be told, I am a prideful innovative disruptor. That is not to say that I am an antagonist – rather, I am a creative thought-leader in our nonprofit sector. Thankfully, I am not alone. I am also joined by others professionals in our community that have been trailblazing in their own way.
If your nonprofit has been sitting on the sidelines and waiting for this pandemic to blow over, I am sad to say that you are missing out. Your nonprofit and board will see much greater success by taking action and staying consistent through this time.
How might you do that now? Good news is it isn’t too late to ask yourself these six questions:
1. Is it relevant?
2. Is it necessary?
3. Is it mission centric?
4. How (and where) can we share our story?
5. What is our immediate need?
6. What is our long-term recovery look like?
I love working with action-orientated leaders that are focused on providing solutions to their everyday challenges. If you wish to nerd out with me over your nonprofit’s action steps, I invite you to reach out to me at